CondLaneNet: a Top-to-down Lane Detection Framework Based on Conditional Convolution

ICCV 2021  ·  Lizhe Liu, Xiaohao Chen, Siyu Zhu, Ping Tan ·

Modern deep-learning-based lane detection methods are successful in most scenarios but struggling for lane lines with complex topologies. In this work, we propose CondLaneNet, a novel top-to-down lane detection framework that detects the lane instances first and then dynamically predicts the line shape for each instance. Aiming to resolve lane instance-level discrimination problem, we introduce a conditional lane detection strategy based on conditional convolution and row-wise formulation. Further, we design the Recurrent Instance Module(RIM) to overcome the problem of detecting lane lines with complex topologies such as dense lines and fork lines. Benefit from the end-to-end pipeline which requires little post-process, our method has real-time efficiency. We extensively evaluate our method on three benchmarks of lane detection. Results show that our method achieves state-of-the-art performance on all three benchmark datasets. Moreover, our method has the coexistence of accuracy and efficiency, e.g. a 78.14 F1 score and 220 FPS on CULane. Our code is available at

PDF Abstract ICCV 2021 PDF ICCV 2021 Abstract

Results from the Paper

Ranked #8 on Lane Detection on CurveLanes (using extra training data)

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Task Dataset Model Metric Name Metric Value Global Rank Uses Extra
Training Data
Result Benchmark
Lane Detection CULane CondLaneNet-M(ResNet-34) F1 score 78.74 # 22
Lane Detection CULane CondLaneNet-S(ResNet-18) F1 score 78.14 # 24
Lane Detection CULane CondLaneNet-L(ResNet-101) F1 score 79.48 # 16
Lane Detection CurveLanes CondLaneNet-M(ResNet-34) F1 score 85.92 # 10
Precision 88.29 # 10
Recall 83.68 # 2
GFLOPs 19.7 # 9
FPS 109 # 2
Lane Detection CurveLanes CondLaneNet-S(ResNet-18) F1 score 85.09 # 11
Precision 87.75 # 11
Recall 82.58 # 5
GFLOPs 10.3 # 3
FPS 154 # 1
Lane Detection CurveLanes CondLaneNet-L(ResNet-101) F1 score 86.10 # 8
Precision 88.98 # 9
Recall 83.41 # 3
GFLOPs 44.9 # 12
FPS 48 # 3
Lane Detection TuSimple CondLaneNet-L(ResNet-101) Accuracy 96.54% # 13
F1 score 97.24 # 11
Lane Detection TuSimple CondLaneNet(ResNet-34) F1 score 97.01 # 12
Lane Detection TuSimple CondLaneNet-M(ResNet-34) Accuracy 95.37% # 33
F1 score 96.98 # 13
Lane Detection TuSimple CondLaneNet(ResNet-18) Accuracy 95.48% # 31
