DepthFormer: Exploiting Long-Range Correlation and Local Information for Accurate Monocular Depth Estimation

27 Mar 2022  ·  Zhenyu Li, Zehui Chen, Xianming Liu, Junjun Jiang ·

This paper aims to address the problem of supervised monocular depth estimation. We start with a meticulous pilot study to demonstrate that the long-range correlation is essential for accurate depth estimation. Therefore, we propose to leverage the Transformer to model this global context with an effective attention mechanism. We also adopt an additional convolution branch to preserve the local information as the Transformer lacks the spatial inductive bias in modeling such contents. However, independent branches lead to a shortage of connections between features. To bridge this gap, we design a hierarchical aggregation and heterogeneous interaction module to enhance the Transformer features via element-wise interaction and model the affinity between the Transformer and the CNN features in a set-to-set translation manner. Due to the unbearable memory cost caused by global attention on high-resolution feature maps, we introduce the deformable scheme to reduce the complexity. Extensive experiments on the KITTI, NYU, and SUN RGB-D datasets demonstrate that our proposed model, termed DepthFormer, surpasses state-of-the-art monocular depth estimation methods with prominent margins. Notably, it achieves the most competitive result on the highly competitive KITTI depth estimation benchmark. Our codes and models are available at

PDF Abstract

Results from the Paper

Ranked #20 on Monocular Depth Estimation on KITTI Eigen split (using extra training data)

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Task Dataset Model Metric Name Metric Value Global Rank Uses Extra
Training Data
Result Benchmark
Monocular Depth Estimation KITTI Eigen split DepthFormer absolute relative error 0.052 # 20
RMSE 2.143 # 25
Sq Rel 0.158 # 6
RMSE log 0.079 # 21
Delta < 1.25 0.975 # 20
Delta < 1.25^2 0.997 # 16
Delta < 1.25^3 0.999 # 11
Monocular Depth Estimation NYU-Depth V2 DepthFormer RMSE 0.339 # 32
absolute relative error 0.096 # 34
Delta < 1.25 0.921 # 31
Delta < 1.25^2 0.989 # 26
Delta < 1.25^3 0.998 # 18
log 10 0.041 # 31
