Improved AI-generated Solar Farside Magnetograms by STEREO and SDO Data Sets and Their Release
Here we greatly improve Artificial Intelligence (AI)-generated solar farside magnetograms using data sets of Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory (STEREO) and Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO). We modify our previous deep learning model and configuration of input data sets to generate more realistic magnetograms than before. First, our model, which is called Pix2PixCC, uses updated objective functions which include correlation coefficients (CCs) between the real and generated data. Second, we construct input data sets of our model: solar farside STEREO extreme ultraviolet (EUV) observations together with nearest frontside SDO data pairs of EUV observations and magnetograms. We expect that the frontside data pairs provide the historic information of magnetic field polarity distributions. We demonstrate that magnetic field distributions generated by our model are more consistent with the real ones than before in view of several metrics. The averaged pixel-to-pixel CC for full disk, active regions, and quiet regions between real and AI-generated magnetograms with 8 by 8 binning are 0.88, 0.91, and 0.70, respectively. Total unsigned magnetic flux and net magnetic flux of the AI-generated magnetograms are consistent with those of real ones for test data sets. It is interesting to note that our farside magnetograms produce consistent polar field strengths and magnetic field polarities with those of nearby frontside ones for solar cycle 24 and 25. Now we can monitor the temporal evolution of active regions using solar farside magnetograms by the model together with the frontside ones. Our AI-generated Solar Farside Magnetograms (AISFMs) are now publicly available at Korean Data Center (KDC) for SDO.
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