Multitracer CMB delensing maps from Planck and WISE data

5 May 2017  ·  Byeonghee Yu, J. Colin Hill, Blake D. Sherwin ·

Delensing, the removal of the limiting lensing B-mode background, is crucial for the success of future cosmic microwave background (CMB) surveys in constraining inflationary gravitational waves (IGWs). In recent work, delensing with large-scale structure tracers has emerged as a promising method both for improving constraints on IGWs and for testing delensing methods for future use. However, the delensing fractions (i.e., the fraction of the lensing-B mode power removed) achieved by recent efforts have been only $20-30\%$. In this work, we provide a detailed characterization of a full-sky, dust-cleaned cosmic infrared background (CIB) map for delensing and construct a further-improved delensing template by adding additional tracers to increase delensing performance. In particular, we build a multitracer delensing template by combining the dust-cleaned Planck CIB map with a reconstructed CMB lensing map from Planck and a galaxy number density map from the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) satellite. For this combination, we calculate the relevant weightings by fitting smooth templates to measurements of all the cross- and auto-spectra of these maps. On a large fraction of the sky ($f_\mathrm{sky}=0.43$), we demonstrate that our maps are capable of providing a delensing factor of $43 \pm 1\%$; using a more restrictive mask ($f_\mathrm{sky}=0.11$), the delensing factor reaches $48 \pm 1\%$. For low-noise surveys, our delensing maps, which cover much of the sky, can thus improve constraints on the tensor-to-scalar ratio ($r$) by nearly a factor of 2. The delensing tracer maps are made publicly available, and we encourage their use in ongoing and upcoming B-mode surveys.

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