PLIP: Language-Image Pre-training for Person Representation Learning

Language-image pre-training is an effective technique for learning powerful representations in general domains. However, when directly turning to person representation learning, these general pre-training methods suffer from unsatisfactory performance. The reason is that they neglect critical person-related characteristics, i.e., fine-grained attributes and identities. To address this issue, we propose a novel language-image pre-training framework for person representation learning, termed PLIP. Specifically, we elaborately design three pretext tasks: 1) Text-guided Image Colorization, aims to establish the correspondence between the person-related image regions and the fine-grained color-part textual phrases. 2) Image-guided Attributes Prediction, aims to mine fine-grained attribute information of the person body in the image; and 3) Identity-based Vision-Language Contrast, aims to correlate the cross-modal representations at the identity level rather than the instance level. Moreover, to implement our pre-train framework, we construct a large-scale person dataset with image-text pairs named SYNTH-PEDES by automatically generating textual annotations. We pre-train PLIP on SYNTH-PEDES and evaluate our models by spanning downstream person-centric tasks. PLIP not only significantly improves existing methods on all these tasks, but also shows great ability in the zero-shot and domain generalization settings. The code, dataset and weights will be released at~\url{}

PDF Abstract
Task Dataset Model Metric Name Metric Value Global Rank Uses Extra
Training Data
Result Benchmark
Text based Person Retrieval CUHK-PEDES PLIP-RN50 R@1 69.23 # 7
R@10 91.16 # 7
R@5 85.84 # 7
Person Re-Identification DukeMTMC-reID PLIP-RN50-MGN mAP 81.7 # 32
Text based Person Retrieval ICFG-PEDES PLIP-RN50 R@1 64.25 # 5
R@5 80.88 # 2
R@10 86.32 # 2
Person Re-Identification Market-1501 PLIP-RN50-ABDNet mAP 91.2 # 29
