Self-Chained Image-Language Model for Video Localization and Question Answering

Recent studies have shown promising results on utilizing large pre-trained image-language models for video question answering. While these image-language models can efficiently bootstrap the representation learning of video-language models, they typically concatenate uniformly sampled video frames as visual inputs without explicit language-aware, temporal modeling. When only a portion of a video input is relevant to the language query, such uniform frame sampling can often lead to missing important visual cues. Although humans often find a video moment to focus on and rewind the moment to answer questions, training a query-aware video moment localizer often requires expensive annotations and high computational costs. To address this issue, we propose Self-Chained Video Localization-Answering (SeViLA), a novel framework that leverages a single image-language model (BLIP-2) to tackle both temporal keyframe localization and QA on videos. SeViLA framework consists of two modules: Localizer and Answerer, where both are parameter-efficiently fine-tuned from BLIP-2. We propose two ways of chaining these modules for cascaded inference and self-refinement. First, in the forward chain, the Localizer finds multiple language-aware keyframes in a video, which the Answerer uses to predict the answer. Second, in the reverse chain, the Answerer generates keyframe pseudo-labels to refine the Localizer, alleviating the need for expensive video moment localization annotations. Our SeViLA framework outperforms several strong baselines on 5 challenging video QA and event prediction benchmarks, and achieves the state-of-the-art in both fine-tuning (NExT-QA, STAR) and zero-shot (NExT-QA, STAR, How2QA, VLEP) settings. We also analyze the impact of Localizer, comparisons of Localizer with other temporal localization models, pre-training/self-refinement of Localizer, and varying the number of keyframes.

PDF Abstract NeurIPS 2023 PDF NeurIPS 2023 Abstract
Task Dataset Model Metric Name Metric Value Global Rank Uses Extra
Training Data
Zero-Shot Video Question Answer EgoSchema (fullset) SeViLA (4B) Accuracy 22.7 # 13
Zero-Shot Video Question Answer EgoSchema (subset) SeViLA (4B) Accuracy 25.7 # 7
Zero-Shot Video Question Answer IntentQA SeViLA (4B) Accuracy 60.9 # 4
Zero-Shot Video Question Answer NExT-QA Sevila (4B) Accuracy 63.6 # 8
Video Question Answering NExT-QA SeViLA Accuracy 73.8 # 6
Zero-Shot Video Question Answer STAR Benchmark Sevila Accuracy 42.2 # 4
Video Question Answering STAR Benchmark SeViLA Average Accuracy 64.9 # 3
Zero-Shot Video Question Answer TVQA SEVILA (no speech) Accuracy 38.2 # 6


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