The Cosmological Analysis of the SDSS/BOSS data from the Effective Field Theory of Large-Scale Structure

11 Sep 2019  ·  Guido D'Amico, Jérôme Gleyzes, Nickolas Kokron, Dida Markovic, Leonardo Senatore, Pierre Zhang, Florian Beutler, Héctor Gil-Marín ·

The Effective Field Theory of Large-Scale Structure (EFTofLSS) is a formalism that allows us to predict the clustering of Cosmological Large-Scale Structure in the mildly non-linear regime in an accurate and reliable way. After validating our technique against several sets of numerical simulations, we perform the analysis for the cosmological parameters of the DR12 BOSS data. We assume $\Lambda$CDM, a fixed value of the baryon/dark-matter ratio, $\Omega_b/\Omega_c$, and of the tilt of the primordial power spectrum, $n_s$, and no significant input from numerical simulations. By using the one-loop power spectrum multipoles, we measure the primordial amplitude of the power spectrum, $A_s$, the abundance of matter, $\Omega_m$, and the Hubble parameter, $H_0$, to about $13\%$, $3.2\%$ and $3.2\%$ respectively, obtaining $\ln(10^{10}As)=2.72\pm 0.13$, $\Omega_m=0.309\pm 0.010$, $H_0=68.5\pm 2.2$ km/(s Mpc) at 68\% confidence level. If we then add a CMB prior on the sound horizon, the error bar on $H_0$ is reduced to $1.6\%$. These results are a substantial qualitative and quantitative improvement with respect to former analyses, and suggest that the EFTofLSS is a powerful instrument to extract cosmological information from Large-Scale Structure.

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Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology High Energy Physics - Phenomenology High Energy Physics - Theory