Natural Language Understanding

684 papers with code • 6 benchmarks • 69 datasets

Natural Language Understanding is an important field of Natural Language Processing which contains various tasks such as text classification, natural language inference and story comprehension. Applications enabled by natural language understanding range from question answering to automated reasoning.

Source: Find a Reasonable Ending for Stories: Does Logic Relation Help the Story Cloze Test?


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Most implemented papers

Attention Is All You Need

tensorflow/tensor2tensor NeurIPS 2017

The dominant sequence transduction models are based on complex recurrent or convolutional neural networks in an encoder-decoder configuration.

BERT: Pre-training of Deep Bidirectional Transformers for Language Understanding

google-research/bert NAACL 2019

We introduce a new language representation model called BERT, which stands for Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers.

Learning Transferable Visual Models From Natural Language Supervision

openai/CLIP 26 Feb 2021

State-of-the-art computer vision systems are trained to predict a fixed set of predetermined object categories.

A Neural Conversational Model

farizrahman4u/seq2seq 19 Jun 2015

We find that this straightforward model can generate simple conversations given a large conversational training dataset.

Snips Voice Platform: an embedded Spoken Language Understanding system for private-by-design voice interfaces

snipsco/snips-nlu 25 May 2018

This paper presents the machine learning architecture of the Snips Voice Platform, a software solution to perform Spoken Language Understanding on microprocessors typical of IoT devices.

ELECTRA: Pre-training Text Encoders as Discriminators Rather Than Generators

google-research/electra ICLR 2020

Then, instead of training a model that predicts the original identities of the corrupted tokens, we train a discriminative model that predicts whether each token in the corrupted input was replaced by a generator sample or not.

Cross-lingual Language Model Pretraining

huggingface/transformers NeurIPS 2019

On unsupervised machine translation, we obtain 34. 3 BLEU on WMT'16 German-English, improving the previous state of the art by more than 9 BLEU.

BERT for Joint Intent Classification and Slot Filling

monologg/JointBERT 28 Feb 2019

Intent classification and slot filling are two essential tasks for natural language understanding.

Know What You Don't Know: Unanswerable Questions for SQuAD

worksheets/0x9a15a170 ACL 2018

Extractive reading comprehension systems can often locate the correct answer to a question in a context document, but they also tend to make unreliable guesses on questions for which the correct answer is not stated in the context.

Improving Language Understanding by Generative Pre-Training

huggingface/transformers Preprint 2018

We demonstrate that large gains on these tasks can be realized by generative pre-training of a language model on a diverse corpus of unlabeled text, followed by discriminative fine-tuning on each specific task.