Oriented Object Detection

49 papers with code • 3 benchmarks • 3 datasets

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Most implemented papers

RTMDet: An Empirical Study of Designing Real-Time Object Detectors

open-mmlab/mmdetection 14 Dec 2022

In this paper, we aim to design an efficient real-time object detector that exceeds the YOLO series and is easily extensible for many object recognition tasks such as instance segmentation and rotated object detection.

On the Arbitrary-Oriented Object Detection: Classification based Approaches Revisited

yangxue0827/RotationDetection ECCV 2020

For the resulting circularly distributed angle classification problem, we first devise a Circular Smooth Label technique to handle the periodicity of angle and increase the error tolerance to adjacent angles.

Oriented R-CNN for Object Detection

jbwang1997/OBBDetection ICCV 2021

Current state-of-the-art two-stage detectors generate oriented proposals through time-consuming schemes.

Align Deep Features for Oriented Object Detection

csuhan/s2anet 21 Aug 2020

However most of existing methods rely on heuristically defined anchors with different scales, angles and aspect ratios and usually suffer from severe misalignment between anchor boxes and axis-aligned convolutional features, which leads to the common inconsistency between the classification score and localization accuracy.

H2RBox: Horizontal Box Annotation is All You Need for Oriented Object Detection

yangxue0827/h2rbox-mmrotate 13 Oct 2022

Oriented object detection emerges in many applications from aerial images to autonomous driving, while many existing detection benchmarks are annotated with horizontal bounding box only which is also less costive than fine-grained rotated box, leading to a gap between the readily available training corpus and the rising demand for oriented object detection.

Learning RoI Transformer for Oriented Object Detection in Aerial Images

dingjiansw101/AerialDetection CVPR 2019

Object detection in aerial images is an active yet challenging task in computer vision because of the bird's-eye view perspective, the highly complex backgrounds, and the variant appearances of objects.

Dynamic Anchor Learning for Arbitrary-Oriented Object Detection

ming71/DAL 8 Dec 2020

With the newly introduced DAL, we achieve superior detection performance for arbitrary-oriented objects with only a few horizontal preset anchors.

MODS -- A USV-oriented object detection and obstacle segmentation benchmark

lojzezust/WaSR 5 May 2021

We propose a new obstacle segmentation performance evaluation protocol that reflects the detection accuracy in a way meaningful for practical USV navigation.

Oriented RepPoints for Aerial Object Detection

LiWentomng/OrientedRepPoints CVPR 2022

In contrast to the generic object, aerial targets are often non-axis aligned with arbitrary orientations having the cluttered surroundings.

FCOSR: A Simple Anchor-free Rotated Detector for Aerial Object Detection

lzh420202/fcosr 21 Nov 2021

We convert a lightweight FCOSR model to TensorRT format, which achieves 73. 93 mAP on DOTA1. 0 at a speed of 10. 68 FPS on Jetson Xavier NX with single scale.