Person Recognition

15 papers with code • 0 benchmarks • 7 datasets

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Most implemented papers

Improving Person Re-identification by Attribute and Identity Learning

ycao5602/SAL 21 Mar 2017

Person re-identification (re-ID) and attribute recognition share a common target at learning pedestrian descriptions.

Learning Deep Features via Congenerous Cosine Loss for Person Recognition

sciencefans/coco_loss 22 Feb 2017

Person recognition aims at recognizing the same identity across time and space with complicated scenes and similar appearance.

Unifying Identification and Context Learning for Person Recognition

ycxioooong/MovieSynopsisAssociation CVPR 2018

In this work, we aim to move beyond such limitations and propose a new framework to leverage context for person recognition.

CSI-Net: Unified Human Body Characterization and Pose Recognition

geekfeiw/CSI-Net 7 Oct 2018

We build CSI-Net, a unified Deep Neural Network~(DNN), to learn the representation of WiFi signals.

Cartoon Face Recognition: A Benchmark Dataset

luxiangju-PersonAI/iCartoonFace 31 Jul 2019

Recent years have witnessed increasing attention in cartoon media, powered by the strong demands of industrial applications.

Bias in Multimodal AI: Testbed for Fair Automatic Recruitment

BiDAlab/FairCVtest 15 Apr 2020

With the aim of studying how current multimodal algorithms based on heterogeneous sources of information are affected by sensitive elements and inner biases in the data, we propose a fictitious automated recruitment testbed: FairCVtest.

Multi-Branch with Attention Network for Hand-Based Person Recognition

nathanlem1/mba-net 4 Aug 2021

In this paper, we propose a novel hand-based person recognition method for the purpose of criminal investigations since the hand image is often the only available information in cases of serious crime such as sexual abuse.

Learning Facial Representations from the Cycle-consistency of Face

jiarenchang/facecycle ICCV 2021

The main idea of the facial motion cycle-consistency is that, given a face with expression, we can perform de-expression to a neutral face via the removal of facial motion and further perform re-expression to reconstruct back to the original face.

RealGait: Gait Recognition for Person Re-Identification

shiqiyu/opengait 13 Jan 2022

Given that our experimental results show that current gait recognition approaches designed under data collected in controlled scenarios are inappropriate for real surveillance scenarios, we propose a novel gait recognition method, called RealGait.

LFW-Beautified: A Dataset of Face Images with Beautification and Augmented Reality Filters

halmstaduniversitybiometrics/lfw-beautified 11 Mar 2022

To help in counteracting such issues, we contribute with a database of facial images that includes several manipulations.