
11 papers with code • 0 benchmarks • 1 datasets

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2 papers

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Asking Questions the Human Way: Scalable Question-Answer Generation from Text Corpus

bangliu/ACS-QG 27 Jan 2020

In this paper, we propose Answer-Clue-Style-aware Question Generation (ACS-QG), which aims at automatically generating high-quality and diverse question-answer pairs from unlabeled text corpus at scale by imitating the way a human asks questions.

It is AI's Turn to Ask Humans a Question: Question-Answer Pair Generation for Children's Story Books

WorkInTheDark/FairytaleQA_QAG_System 8 Sep 2021

Existing question answering (QA) techniques are created mainly to answer questions asked by humans.

MuMuQA: Multimedia Multi-Hop News Question Answering via Cross-Media Knowledge Extraction and Grounding

uiucnlp/mumuqa 20 Dec 2021

Specifically, the task involves multi-hop questions that require reasoning over image-caption pairs to identify the grounded visual object being referred to and then predicting a span from the news body text to answer the question.

Generating Diverse and Consistent QA pairs from Contexts with Information-Maximizing Hierarchical Conditional VAEs

seanie12/Info-HCVAE ACL 2020

We validate our Information Maximizing Hierarchical Conditional Variational AutoEncoder (Info-HCVAE) on several benchmark datasets by evaluating the performance of the QA model (BERT-base) using only the generated QA pairs (QA-based evaluation) or by using both the generated and human-labeled pairs (semi-supervised learning) for training, against state-of-the-art baseline models.

End-to-End Video Question-Answer Generation with Generator-Pretester Network

htsucml/VQAG 5 Jan 2021

Furthermore, using our generated QA pairs only on the Video QA task, we can surpass some supervised baselines.

Quiz-Style Question Generation for News Stories

google-research-datasets/NewsQuizQA 18 Feb 2021

As a first step towards measuring news informedness at a scale, we study the problem of quiz-style multiple-choice question generation, which may be used to survey users about their knowledge of recent news.

Change Detection Meets Visual Question Answering

yzhjessica/cdvqa 12 Dec 2021

In order to provide every user with flexible access to change information and help them better understand land-cover changes, we introduce a novel task: change detection-based visual question answering (CDVQA) on multi-temporal aerial images.

TAG: Boosting Text-VQA via Text-aware Visual Question-answer Generation

HenryJunW/TAG 3 Aug 2022

To address this deficiency, we develop a new method to generate high-quality and diverse QA pairs by explicitly utilizing the existing rich text available in the scene context of each image.

Improving Low-Resource Question Answering using Active Learning in Multiple Stages

primeqa/primeqa 27 Nov 2022

Furthermore, they often yield very good performance but only in the domain they were trained on.

DCQA: Document-Level Chart Question Answering towards Complex Reasoning and Common-Sense Understanding

anranwu-richpo/dcqa 29 Oct 2023

Our DCQA dataset is expected to foster research on understanding visualizations in documents, especially for scenarios that require complex reasoning for charts in the visually-rich document.