Search Results for author: Andrew Knyazev

Found 8 papers, 0 papers with code

Preconditioned Spectral Clustering for Stochastic Block Partition Streaming Graph Challenge

no code implementations21 Aug 2017 David Zhuzhunashvili, Andrew Knyazev

Our spectral clustering is generic, i. e. assuming nothing specific of the block model or streaming, used to generate the graphs for the Challenge, in contrast to the base code.

Clustering graph partitioning

Signal reconstruction via operator guiding

no code implementations9 May 2017 Andrew Knyazev, Alexander Malyshev

Signal reconstruction from a sample using an orthogonal projector onto a guiding subspace is theoretically well justified, but may be difficult to practically implement.


Guided Signal Reconstruction Theory

no code implementations2 Feb 2017 Andrew Knyazev, Akshay Gadde, Hassan Mansour, Dong Tian

New frame-less reconstruction methods are proposed, based on a novel concept of a reconstruction set, defined as a shortest pathway between the sample consistent set and the guiding set.

Accelerated graph-based nonlinear denoising filters

no code implementations1 Dec 2015 Andrew Knyazev, Alexander Malyshev

Denoising filters, such as bilateral, guided, and total variation filters, applied to images on general graphs may require repeated application if noise is not small enough.

Image Denoising

Edge-enhancing Filters with Negative Weights

no code implementations8 Sep 2015 Andrew Knyazev

In [DOI:10. 1109/ICMEW. 2014. 6890711], a graph-based denoising is performed by projecting the noisy image to a lower dimensional Krylov subspace of the graph Laplacian, constructed using nonnegative weights determined by distances between image data corresponding to image pixels.


Accelerated graph-based spectral polynomial filters

no code implementations8 Sep 2015 Andrew Knyazev, Alexander Malyshev

Graph-based spectral denoising is a low-pass filtering using the eigendecomposition of the graph Laplacian matrix of a noisy signal.


Conjugate Gradient Acceleration of Non-Linear Smoothing Filters

no code implementations4 Sep 2015 Andrew Knyazev, Alexander Malyshev

The most efficient signal edge-preserving smoothing filters, e. g., for denoising, are non-linear.


Chebyshev and Conjugate Gradient Filters for Graph Image Denoising

no code implementations4 Sep 2015 Dong Tian, Hassan Mansour, Andrew Knyazev, Anthony Vetro

In 3D image/video acquisition, different views are often captured with varying noise levels across the views.

Image Denoising Image Enhancement

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