Search Results for author: Veselin Stoyanov

Found 26 papers, 13 papers with code

Continual Few-Shot Learning for Text Classification

1 code implementation EMNLP 2021 Ramakanth Pasunuru, Veselin Stoyanov, Mohit Bansal

In this work, we propose a continual few-shot learning (CFL) task, in which a system is challenged with a difficult phenomenon and asked to learn to correct mistakes with only a few (10 to 15) training examples.

continual few-shot learning Few-Shot Learning +4

Prompt-free and Efficient Few-shot Learning with Language Models

1 code implementation ACL 2022 Rabeeh Karimi Mahabadi, Luke Zettlemoyer, James Henderson, Lambert Mathias, Marzieh Saeidi, Veselin Stoyanov, Majid Yazdani

Current methods for few-shot fine-tuning of pretrained masked language models (PLMs) require carefully engineered prompts and verbalizers for each new task to convert examples into a cloze-format that the PLM can score.

Few-Shot Learning

Towards A Unified View of Sparse Feed-Forward Network in Pretraining Large Language Model

no code implementations23 May 2023 Zeyu Leo Liu, Tim Dettmers, Xi Victoria Lin, Veselin Stoyanov, Xian Li

Large and sparse feed-forward layers (S-FFN) such as Mixture-of-Experts (MoE) have proven effective in scaling up Transformers model size for \textit{pretraining} large language models.

Avg Language Modelling +1

PERFECT: Prompt-free and Efficient Few-shot Learning with Language Models

1 code implementation3 Apr 2022 Rabeeh Karimi Mahabadi, Luke Zettlemoyer, James Henderson, Marzieh Saeidi, Lambert Mathias, Veselin Stoyanov, Majid Yazdani

Current methods for few-shot fine-tuning of pretrained masked language models (PLMs) require carefully engineered prompts and verbalizers for each new task to convert examples into a cloze-format that the PLM can score.

Few-Shot Learning

Do Language Models Have Beliefs? Methods for Detecting, Updating, and Visualizing Model Beliefs

1 code implementation26 Nov 2021 Peter Hase, Mona Diab, Asli Celikyilmaz, Xian Li, Zornitsa Kozareva, Veselin Stoyanov, Mohit Bansal, Srinivasan Iyer

In this paper, we discuss approaches to detecting when models have beliefs about the world, and we improve on methods for updating model beliefs to be more truthful, with a focus on methods based on learned optimizers or hypernetworks.

General Purpose Text Embeddings from Pre-trained Language Models for Scalable Inference

no code implementations Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics 2020 Jingfei Du, Myle Ott, Haoran Li, Xing Zhou, Veselin Stoyanov

The resulting method offers a compelling solution for using large-scale pre-trained models at a fraction of the computational cost when multiple tasks are performed on the same text.

Knowledge Distillation Quantization

SemEval-2013 Task 2: Sentiment Analysis in Twitter

no code implementations SEMEVAL 2013 Preslav Nakov, Zornitsa Kozareva, Alan Ritter, Sara Rosenthal, Veselin Stoyanov, Theresa Wilson

To address this issue, we have proposed SemEval-2013 Task 2: Sentiment Analysis in Twitter, which included two subtasks: A, an expression-level subtask, and B, a message-level subtask.

Sentiment Analysis Task 2

Unsupervised Cross-lingual Representation Learning at Scale

28 code implementations ACL 2020 Alexis Conneau, Kartikay Khandelwal, Naman Goyal, Vishrav Chaudhary, Guillaume Wenzek, Francisco Guzmán, Edouard Grave, Myle Ott, Luke Zettlemoyer, Veselin Stoyanov

We also present a detailed empirical analysis of the key factors that are required to achieve these gains, including the trade-offs between (1) positive transfer and capacity dilution and (2) the performance of high and low resource languages at scale.

Cross-Lingual Transfer Multilingual NLP +2

Emerging Cross-lingual Structure in Pretrained Language Models

no code implementations ACL 2020 Shijie Wu, Alexis Conneau, Haoran Li, Luke Zettlemoyer, Veselin Stoyanov

We study the problem of multilingual masked language modeling, i. e. the training of a single model on concatenated text from multiple languages, and present a detailed study of several factors that influence why these models are so effective for cross-lingual transfer.

Cross-Lingual Transfer Language Modelling +2

Bridging the domain gap in cross-lingual document classification

1 code implementation16 Sep 2019 Guokun Lai, Barlas Oguz, Yiming Yang, Veselin Stoyanov

We consider the setting of semi-supervised cross-lingual understanding, where labeled data is available in a source language (English), but only unlabeled data is available in the target language.

Classification Cross-Domain Document Classification +7

RoBERTa: A Robustly Optimized BERT Pretraining Approach

59 code implementations26 Jul 2019 Yinhan Liu, Myle Ott, Naman Goyal, Jingfei Du, Mandar Joshi, Danqi Chen, Omer Levy, Mike Lewis, Luke Zettlemoyer, Veselin Stoyanov

Language model pretraining has led to significant performance gains but careful comparison between different approaches is challenging.

 Ranked #1 on Only Connect Walls Dataset Task 1 (Grouping) on OCW (Wasserstein Distance (WD) metric, using extra training data)

Document Image Classification Language Modelling +13

Simple Fusion: Return of the Language Model

1 code implementation WS 2018 Felix Stahlberg, James Cross, Veselin Stoyanov

Neural Machine Translation (NMT) typically leverages monolingual data in training through backtranslation.

Language Modelling Machine Translation +3

A Multi-lingual Multi-task Architecture for Low-resource Sequence Labeling

1 code implementation ACL 2018 Ying Lin, Shengqi Yang, Veselin Stoyanov, Heng Ji

We propose a multi-lingual multi-task architecture to develop supervised models with a minimal amount of labeled data for sequence labeling.

Abstractive Text Summarization Machine Translation +2

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