Stingray: A Modern Python Library For Spectral Timing

StingraySoftware/stingray 23 Jan 2019

This paper describes the design and implementation of stingray, a library in Python built to perform time series analysis and related tasks on astronomical light curves.

Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena

PyAutoLens: Open-Source Strong Gravitational Lensing

Jammy2211/PyAutoLens 2 Jun 2021

Strong gravitational lensing, which can make a background source galaxy appears multiple times due to its light rays being deflected by the mass of one or more foreground lens galaxies, provides astronomers with a powerful tool to study dark matter, cosmology and the most distant Universe.

Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics Astrophysics of Galaxies

AutoLens: Automated Modeling of a Strong Lens's Light, Mass and Source

Jammy2211/PyAutoLens 24 Aug 2017

This work presents AutoLens, the first entirely automated modeling suite for the analysis of galaxy-scale strong gravitational lenses.

Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics Astrophysics of Galaxies Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics

Adaptive Semi-linear Inversion of Strong Gravitational Lens Imaging

Jammy2211/PyAutoLens 23 Dec 2014

In addition, we highlight the importance of data discretization in pixel-based inversion methods, showing that adaptive SLI averages over significant systematics that are present when a fixed source pixel grid is used.

Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics Astrophysics of Galaxies

Detecting the periodicity of highly irregularly sampled light-curves with Gaussian processes: the case of SDSSJ025214.67-002813.7

GAMES-UChile/mogptk 7 Mar 2022

Based on a 20-year-long multiband observation of its light-curve, it was conjectured that the quasar SDSSJ025214. 67-002813. 7 has a periodicity of ~4. 4 years.

Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics

Improving the background of gravitational-wave searches for core collapse supernovae: A machine learning approach

kstaats/karoo_gp 11 Feb 2020

Based on the prior O1-O2 observing runs, about 30% of the data collected by Advanced LIGO and Virgo in the next observing runs are expected to be single-interferometer data, i. e., they will be collected at times when only one detector in the network is operating in observing mode.

Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics


undark-lab/swyft 16 Aug 2023

A system for scientific simulation-based inference at scale.

Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics Astrophysics of Galaxies

Recovering the star formation histories of recently-quenched galaxies: the impact of model and prior choices

bd-j/prospector 6 Jul 2022

Finally, we show that our new, public SFH model is able to accurately recover the properties of mock star-forming and quiescent galaxies and is suitable for broader use in the SED fitting community.

Astrophysics of Galaxies

Stellar Population Inference with Prospector

bd-j/prospector 2 Dec 2020

Inference of the physical properties of stellar populations from observed photometry and spectroscopy is a key goal in the study of galaxy evolution.

Astrophysics of Galaxies Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics

PypeIt: The Python Spectroscopic Data Reduction Pipeline

PYPIT/PYPIT 19 May 2020

PypeIt is a Python package for semi-automated reduction of astronomical, spectroscopic data.

Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics